A HA! - 8 Minutes of Light《A HA!——8 分钟的光明》
🗓️ 12 – 20.04.2025 (Fri, Sat, Sun) 🕗 10.30am*, 11am, 2.30pm*, 3pm *Only on 12 April. 💬 Language: Performed in Mandarin (with English surtitles) 🎥 Note: Shows on 19 April will be recorded for archival and future publicity purposes. Recommended for children ages 6–9. Audiences can enjoy this performance through standard theatre seating (chairs) or floor seating (cushions). 🗓️ 12 – 20.04.2025(五、六、日) 🕗 10.30am*, 11am, 2.30pm*, 3pm *场次仅限4月12日 💬 语言:华语演出(附英文字幕) 🎥 注意:4月19日演出当天将进行录影,所拍摄内容将用于宣传用途 适合6~9岁孩童观赏。 进场后,观众可在标准坐椅或地面坐垫上欣赏演出,座位按到场顺序分配。
- Chinese
- Theatre
- Performance
- Family
- 演出
- 剧场
- 家庭
Promotions 优惠折扣
15% Festival Bundle Discount (ends 04.05.2025)
- Minimum purchase of one performance AND one experience.
- Limited quantity available
12% Family Bundle Discount (ends 04.05.2025)
- Minimum purchase of three tickets per performance OR experience
- Discount will be automatically applied at checkout.
- Limited quantity available
10% Marketing Partners Discount (ends 11.04.2025)
- PAssion Card and U-POPP members enjoy 10% off with valid promo code
- Minimum two tickets per booking (Valid for performances only)
- Limited quantity available
- 每笔订单需含至少1张演出门票及1组体验门票
- 数量有限
- 每笔订单需含至少3张门票(不限演出或体验)
- 折扣将于结帐时自动套用
- 数量有限
- 百盛卡及U-POPP会员凭折扣码即享10%折扣
- 每笔订单需含至少2张门票(仅限演出)
- 数量有限
Breaking News! The Sun is angry! When the Sun gets really angry, would it explode with a chee-ba-bom? And if the Sun is gone, what happens to planet Earth?
Join lovable hero A Ha as he embarks on an epic quest to find the sun and save the world. A HA! — 8 Minutes of Light combines audience participation, clowning, and percussion for a hilarious and hijinks-filled adventure!
Presented by the team behind The Theatre Practice’s award-winning Theatre For Young Audiences productions, this interactive performance encourages audiences to imagine a positive future in the face of the climate crisis — the importance of overcoming indifference and the significant impact of our individual actions.
You have 8 minutes before total darkness. Yes, just 8 minutes.
What will you do?
大事不妙!太阳生气了!太阳生气会不会气到 JEE-BA-BOOM…… 爆炸??如果太阳真的爆炸,地球没有了太阳,会怎么样?
跟着可爱的英雄 A Ha,一同踏上寻找太阳、拯救世界的史诗远征。结合观众参与、小丑表演和打击乐,《A HA!——8分钟的光明》将为你带来一场充满欢乐和娱乐“笑”果的冒险!
地球将陷入一片黑暗,你们只剩下…… 8分钟!只剩下8分钟……
Terms and Conditions
By accepting, holding or using a ticket, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, accepted and agreed to the full terms and conditions.
- No admission for infants in arms and children below 4 years old. Children aged 9 and below require an accompanying adult.
- Each ticket admits one (1) person only.
- Tickets purchased are not exchangeable or refundable.
- No smoking is allowed in the venue.
- No food or beverages are allowed in the venue unless otherwise stated by the organiser.
- No photography, audio or video recording is allowed during the event unless otherwise stated by the organiser.
- Latecomers will not be admitted until a suitable break (if any) during the performance.
- The patron agrees to submit to any search for any prohibited items including but not limited to dangerous and illegal substances and recording devices.
- The patron voluntarily assumes all risk and danger incidental to the event whether occurring prior to, during or subsequent to the actual event, including any death, personal injury, loss, damage or liability.
- The organiser reserves the right without refund or compensation to refuse admission to any person whose conduct is disorderly or unbecoming.
- Singapore law shall govern the sale of all tickets and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.
- The sessions may be recorded for archival and future publicity purposes. By purchasing a ticket to the event, you agree that your portrait likeness and/or voice may be captured as part of the session. If you have any questions, please contact us at ticketing@practice.org.sg.
- The organiser reserves the right to amend the above without prior notice. In the event of any dispute, the organiser’s decision is final.
- 婴儿和四岁以下之儿童不许入场。9岁及以下之儿童需要大人陪同。
- 每张门票只允许一(1)人入场。
- 不接受退票或退款。
- 剧场内禁止吸菸。
- 禁止携带食物及饮料入场,除非主办单位另有说明。
- 演出期间禁止拍照、录影或录音,除非主办单位另有说明。
- 迟到观众需待演出适当段落(如有),在现场工作人员的引导下才能入场。
- 您同意接受现场工作人员检查个人和/或随身携带的行李,以防任何违禁物品(包含但不限于危险/非法物品和录音设备)被携带入场。
- 您同意自行承担参与演出可能产生的所有风险和危险(无论是在演出发生之前、期间或之后,所可能导致的死亡、人身伤害、损失、损害或费用)。
- 主办单位有权拒绝任何行为不检或不当的观众入场,没有义务提供退款或赔偿。
- 您了解本条款与细则之解释,以及与本条款与细则有关之争议,均受新加坡法律管辖,并同意接受新加坡法院的专属管辖权。
- 主办单位有权允许授权摄/录影师进入剧场,进行摄影和/或录影作为广告和宣传使用。通过购买和/或使用门票,即代表您同意授权我们拍摄和使用您的肖像和/或声音。如有任何疑问,请发送电邮至 ticketing@practice.org.sg 与我们联系。
- 如有未尽事宜,主办单位保有调整及最终解释之权利,且无须事前通知。